c++ - 在 C 和 C++ 中, "#"是什么意思?

我很好奇,在 C/C++ 中,# 是什么意思?

例如,#if。它叫做“hashtag if”吗?


源代码中以#if 开头的行称为preprocessor directive如今。在 The C Programming Language ("K&R")1 一书中,它被称为“编译器控制线”。

#这个符号本身好像没有什么特别的名字。例如,documentation for the gcc compiler只是称它为“#”:

Preprocessing directives are lines in your program that start with ‘#’. Whitespace is allowed before and after the ‘#’. The ‘#’ is followed by an identifier, the directive name. It specifies the operation to perform. Directives are commonly referred to as ‘#name’ where name is the directive name. For example, ‘#define’ is the directive that defines a macro.

K&R 书中也只是称其为“#”:

Lines beginning with # communicate with this preprocessor.

1 丹尼斯·里奇,布赖恩·科尼汉; C 程序设计语言,第 1 版(1978 年); p. 207



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