regex - 为电话号码编写正则表达式


1- 无国家代码 9999999999

2 - 1 位国家代码 +19999999999

3 - 带国家代码和 () +1(999)9999999

4 - 带国家代码 () 和 - +1(999)-999-9999

我写了一个匹配条件 2 但在 1,3 和 4 中失败的正则表达式。


一旦我在 + 符号后添加国家代码以及 () 和 - 我的正则表达式就停止工作。




编辑:由于 OP 已添加电话号码示例以与 + 号匹配,因此现在添加以下答案。


Here is Online demo for above regex



Here is Online demo for above regex

说明: 为以上添加详细说明。

^\+                        ##Checking if starting is from + sign.
(?:                        ##Starting a non-capturing group from here.
   (?:\d{11})?             ##Starting a non-capturing group which matches 11 digits here, keeping it optional.
   (?:\d\(\d{3}\))?        ##Starting a non-capturing group which matches single digit followed by ( 3 digits followed by ) and keeping this optional too.
   (?:                     ##Starting a non-capturing group here.
     (?:\d{7})?            ##Starting a non-capturing group here with 7 digits keeping it optional.
     (?:-\d{3}-\d{4})?     ##Starting a non-capturing group which has - 3 digits - 4 digits keep it optional.
   )                       ##Closing above non-capturing group here.
)$                         ##Closing very first non-capturing group here.


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