c# - 将代码 2.0 迁移到 3.1 核心代码,然后 swagger api 版本控制不起作用

Cannot implicitly convert type
'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, Microsoft.OpenApi.Models.OpenApiPathItem>' to 'Microsoft.OpenApi.Models.OpenApiPaths'
An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)

public class ReplaceVersionWithExactValueInPath : IDocumentFilter
    public void Apply(OpenApiDocument swaggerDoc, DocumentFilterContext context)
        swaggerDoc.Paths = swaggerDoc.Paths
                path => path.Key.Replace("v{version}", swaggerDoc.Info.Version),
                path => path.Value


看起来 OpenApiDocument.Path 不是字典 所以你不能使用 swaggerDoc.Paths = swaggerDoc.Paths.ToDictionary() 赋值

尝试使用新的 OpenApiPath 对象和 Add() 方法

var oap = new OpenApiPaths();
foreach (var p in swaggerDoc.Paths)
    oap.Add(p.Key.Replace("v{version}", swaggerDoc.Info.Version),
swaggerDoc.Paths = oap;



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