mysql - InnoDB 需要一个多小时来导入 600MB 文件,MyISAM 在几分钟内

我目前正在创建一个环境来测试应用程序的性能;我正在使用 MySQL 和 InnoDB 进行测试,以找出最适合我们的。在此环境中,我们将自动准备数据库(加载现有转储)并检测我们的测试工具。

我正准备使用 MySQL 和 InnoDB 测试相同的数据转储,但我已经无法将初始导入速度提高到 InnoDB 部分的可用速度。最初的转储花费了更长的时间,但这并不让我担心:

$ for i in testdb_myisam testdb_innodb; do time mysqldump --extended-insert $i > $i.sql; done

real    0m38.152s
user    0m8.381s
sys     0m2.612s

real    1m16.665s
user    0m6.600s
sys     0m2.552s


$ for i in  testdb_myisam testdb_innodb; do time mysql $i < $i.sql; done

real    2m52.821s
user    0m10.505s
sys     0m1.252s

real    87m36.586s
user    0m10.637s
sys     0m1.208s

经过研究我过来了Changing tables from MyISAM to InnoDB make the system slow然后用 set global innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=2:

$ time mysql testdb_innodb < testdb_innodb.sql

real    64m8.348s
user    0m10.533s
sys     0m1.152s

恕我直言,仍然慢得惊人。我还为这些测试禁用了 log_bin,这是 all mysql variables 的列表.

我必须接受这么长的 InnoDB 时间还是可以改进它们?我完全控制了这个 MySQL 服务器,因为它纯粹是为了这个测试环境。




$ time ( echo "SET autocommit=0; SET unique_checks=0; SET foreign_key_checks=0;" \
; cat testdb_innodb.sql ; echo "COMMIT;" ) | mysql testdb_innodb;date

real    47m59.019s
user    0m10.665s
sys     0m2.896s


更新 2:

我能够访问另一台机器,导入只需要大约 8 分钟。我比较了配置并将以下设置应用于我的 MySQL 安装:

innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 20971520
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 536870912
innodb_log_buffer_size = 8388608
join_buffer_size = 67104768
max_allowed_packet = 5241856
max_binlog_size = 1073741824
max_heap_table_size = 41943040
query_cache_limit = 10485760
query_cache_size = 157286400
read_buffer_size = 20967424
sort_buffer_size = 67108856
table_cache = 256
thread_cache_size = 128
thread_stack = 327680
tmp_table_size = 41943040

通过这些设置,我现在可以缩短到大约 25 分钟。距离 MyISAM 所需的几分钟还很远​​,但它对我来说越来越有用了。


您是否尝试过 InnoDB Performance Tuning Tips 中的批量数据加载技巧 (尤其是第一个):

  • When importing data into InnoDB, make sure that MySQL does not have autocommit mode enabled because that requires a log flush to disk for every insert. To disable autocommit during your import operation, surround it with SET autocommit and COMMIT statements:

    SET autocommit=0;
    ... SQL import statements ...

    If you use the mysqldump option --opt, you get dump files that are fast to import into an InnoDB table, even without wrapping them with the SET autocommit and COMMIT statements.

  • If you have UNIQUE constraints on secondary keys, you can speed up table imports by temporarily turning off the uniqueness checks during the import session:

    SET unique_checks=0;
    ... SQL import statements ...
    SET unique_checks=1;

    For big tables, this saves a lot of disk I/O because InnoDB can use its insert buffer to write secondary index records in a batch. Be certain that the data contains no duplicate keys.

  • If you have FOREIGN KEY constraints in your tables, you can speed up table imports by turning the foreign key checks off for the duration of the import session:

    SET foreign_key_checks=0;
    ... SQL import statements ...
    SET foreign_key_checks=1;

    For big tables, this can save a lot of disk I/O.



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