sql-server - 在任务管理器中误杀了sqlserver.exe进程,如何重启?

我在任务管理器 > 进程 >(按所有用户显示进程)> sqlserver.exe

中错误地杀死了 sqlserver.exe 进程

现在我的数据库没有连接,Management Studio 和所有应用程序都显示此错误

A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.)




To start the default instance of SQL Server

On the Start menu, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, point to Configuration Tools, and then click SQL Server Configuration Manager.

In SQL Server Configuration Manager, in the left pane, click SQL Server Services.

In the details pane, right-click SQL Server (MSSQLServer), and then click Start. A green arrow on the icon next to the server name and on the toolbar indicates that the server started successfully.

Click OK to close SQL Server Configuration Manager.

To start a named instance of SQL Server

On the Start menu, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, point to Configuration Tools, and then click SQL Server Configuration Manager.

In SQL Server Configuration Manager, in the left pane, click SQL Server.

In the details pane, right-click the named instance of SQL Server, and then click Start. A green arrow on the icon next to the server name and on the toolbar indicates that the server started successfully.

Click OK to close SQL Server Configuration Manager.


或者您可以进入服务 View 类型服务并右键单击 SQLServer 服务并点击重新启动

More information here



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