r - R中,如果有多个TRUE答案,选择第一个TRUE答案

我有一个数据框,代表一条河流的两年每日温度时间序列。对于这条河,我想知道一年中的哪一天 (doy):

  1. 温度持续大于或等于 10 度
  • 持续是指在一年中的最高温度之后不再有低于 10 度的下降,例如秋季或冬季
  1. 温度持续低于或等于 10 度
  • 持续是指直到下一年不再有超过 10 的峰值

当我尝试计算 2 时遇到错误,因为代码有多个 TRUE 答案可供选择。我想知道如果有多个 TRUE 答案,如何使代码与第一个 TRUE 答案一致。



siteNumber <- "01417500"
parameterCd <- "00010" # water temperature
statCd <- "00003" # mean
startDate <- "2015-01-01"
endDate <- "2016-12-31"

dat <- readNWISdv(siteNumber, parameterCd, startDate, endDate, statCd=statCd)
dat <- dat[,c(2:4)]
colnames(dat)[3] <- "temperature"

# Visually inspect the time series
ggplot(data = dat, aes(x = Date, y = temperature)) +
  geom_point() +

1 和 2 的代码,其中 2 有问题,因为有多个 TRUE 语句可供选择

dat %>%
  mutate(year = year(Date),
         doy = yday(Date)) %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
  mutate(gt_10 = temperature >= 10, # greater than or equal to 10 degrees
         lt_10 = temperature <= 10, # less than or equal to 10 degrees
         peak_doy = doy[which.max(temperature)], # what doy is max temperature
         below_peak = doy < peak_doy, # is the observed doy less than the peak temperature doy
         after_peak = doy > peak_doy, # is the observed doy greater than the peak temperature doy
         test_above = ave(gt_10, cumsum(!gt_10), FUN = cumsum), # counts number of days above 10 degree threshold
         test_below = ave(lt_10, cumsum(!lt_10), FUN = cumsum)) %>% # counts number of days below 10 degree threshold
  summarise(first_above_10_sustained = doy[below_peak == T & test_above == 14]-13, # answer to 1 
            first_below_10_sustained = doy[after_peak == T & test_below == 14]-13) # answer to 2
  • 要回答 2,代码会查看那些温度年峰值温度之后的时间(即,after_peak == T) 当温度连续 14 天低于 10 阈值时(即 test_below == 14)。 test_below == 14 是错误所在,因为多次发生这种情况。是的,您可以将连续天数的阈值更改为大于 14 的某个值,但这不是重点。如果有多个 TRUE 答案,我怎样才能让代码接受第一个 TRUE 答案?

我有一个 similar SO question here但我的答案只有在没有多个 TRUE 答案可供选择时才有效。



  1. 创建一个列,指定温度是高于还是低于 10 度。
  2. 获取此列的 rleid,它将对高于或低于 10 度阈值的所有连续天数进行分组。
  3. 找出每年的最高温度,并将其存储在列中。
  4. 根据您的定义,包含最高温度的 rleid 将是当年​​温度持续 > 10 度的日期
  5. 对最低温度执行相同的操作,但在计算年份时减去 6 个月,以便在计算该年的最低温度时进行分组。这不会对最终结果产生影响,但可以计算冬季的最低温度:
df <- dat %>%
  mutate(year = year(Date)) %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
  mutate(max_temp = max(temperature)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(above_ten = temperature >= 10,
         run = factor(data.table::rleid(above_ten))) %>%
  group_by(run) %>%
  mutate(sustained_hi = max(temperature) == max(max_temp)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(year = year(Date - months(6))) %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
  mutate(min_temp = min(temperature)) %>%
  group_by(run) %>%
  mutate(sustained_lo = min(temperature) == min(min_temp)) %>%
  mutate(group = ifelse(sustained_hi, 'High', 
                        ifelse(sustained_lo, 'Low', 
                               'Unsustained'))) %>%
  select(site_no, Date, temperature, group, run)


#> # A tibble: 731 x 5
#> # Groups:   run [27]
#>    site_no  Date       temperature group run  
#>    <chr>    <date>           <dbl> <chr> <fct>
#>  1 01417500 2015-01-01         0.7 Low   1    
#>  2 01417500 2015-01-02         1.1 Low   1    
#>  3 01417500 2015-01-03         1   Low   1    
#>  4 01417500 2015-01-04         2.5 Low   1    
#>  5 01417500 2015-01-05         2   Low   1    
#>  6 01417500 2015-01-06         0.3 Low   1    
#>  7 01417500 2015-01-07         0.2 Low   1    
#>  8 01417500 2015-01-08         0.2 Low   1    
#>  9 01417500 2015-01-09         0.3 Low   1    
#> 10 01417500 2015-01-10         0.3 Low   1    
#> # ... with 721 more rows
#> # i Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows


ggplot(df, aes(x = Date, y = temperature, color = group)) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_color_manual(limits = c('High', 'Unsustained', 'Low'),
                     values = c('orange', 'gray', 'steelblue')) +


df %>% 
  filter(group != 'Unsustained') %>%
  group_by(run) %>%
  summarize(Date = c(first(Date), last(Date)),
            Event = paste('Sustained', first(group), c('Start', 'End'))) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
#> # A tibble: 10 x 2
#>    Date       Event               
#>    <date>     <chr>               
#>  1 2015-01-01 Sustained Low Start 
#>  2 2015-04-28 Sustained Low End   
#>  3 2015-04-29 Sustained High Start
#>  4 2015-07-16 Sustained High End  
#>  5 2015-11-08 Sustained Low Start 
#>  6 2016-03-31 Sustained Low End   
#>  7 2016-05-18 Sustained High Start
#>  8 2016-10-09 Sustained High End  
#>  9 2016-10-23 Sustained Low Start 
#> 10 2016-12-31 Sustained Low End 



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