typescript - 键入一个 "type predicate"没有任何

我在尝试正确键入我的函数之一时遇到问题。在下面的代码中,x 的类型是 any,我想输入比这更好的类型。

interface Pet {
  name: string;

const checkType = (x: any): x is Pet => {
  return 'name' in x && typeof x.name === 'string';

我发现 unknownobject 最合适,但两者都给我一个错误

interface Pet {
  name: string;

const checkType = (x: unknown): x is Pet => {
  return 'name' in x && typeof x.name === 'string';

Object is of type 'unknown'

interface Pet {
  name: string;

const checkType = (x: object): x is Pet => {
  return 'name' in x && typeof x.name === 'string';

Property 'name' does not exist on type 'object'

所以我的问题是,如何在不转换为 any 的情况下正确键入 x



interface Pet {
  name: string;

const checkType = (x: object): x is Pet => {
  return 'name' in x && typeof (x as {
    name: unknown,
  }).name === 'string';





  1. 定义可能的输入类型的联合
  2. 定义键/值类型

第一个是 Typescript 手册中的示例所采用的方法(我假设您从中获得了“Pet”:

function isFish(pet: Fish | Bird): pet is Fish {
  return (pet as Fish).swim !== undefined;

但是,如果您在通用库上工作,这会失败,因为您不知道您的消费者会为您提供什么,并且扩展该联盟并不是进行重大更改的好理由。然后你可以采取策略 #2:

interface IPojo {
  [key: string]: any,

const checkType = (x: IPojo): x is Pet => {
  return 'name' in x && typeof (x as {
    name: unknown,
  }).name === 'string';

function foo(p: Pet) {

const bar: IPojo = {}
const baz = 'name';
bar[baz] = 'hi';

foo(bar); // TypeError, compiler can't verify bar.name
if (checkType(bar)) {
  foo(bar); // No TypeError, type narrowed correctly by your guard


关于typescript - 键入一个 "type predicate"没有任何,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63796285/


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