c# - 使用 EF Core 按 Id 检索实体的通用方法

我创建了一个 API,其中我在数据库中有多个对象(例如卖家、产品等),并且我为这些对象中的每一个提供了一个 enpoint api 以使用其 Id 从数据库中获取给定对象(始终为Guid 类型)。我注意到在我处理业务逻辑的每个类中,我都重复相同的代码:

//GetOneSellerQueryHandler class
var sellerDbItem = await Context.Seller.Where(x => x.Id == request.Id)
var seller = Mapper.Map<SellerDto>(sellerDbItem );

//GetOneProductQueryHandler class
var productDbItem = await Context.Product.Where(x => x.Id == request.Id)
var product = Mapper.Map<ProductDto>(productDbItem);

使用泛型方法创建抽象类以通过传递的 id 从 db 获取元素是否有意义?


//Abstract class
public async Task<F> GetElementById<T,F>(T obj, Guid id) where T : class
   T dbItem = (T) Convert.ChangeType(obj switch
      Seller => await Context.Seller.Where(x => x.Id == id).SingleAsync(),
      Product=> await Context.Product.Where(x => x.Id == id).SingleAsync(),
      _=>throw new NotImplementedException()
   }, typeof(T));

   return Mapper.Map<F>(dbItem);

//GetOneProductQueryHandler class
var productDbItem = await GetElementById<Product, ProductDto>(new Product(), request.Id)
//GetOneSellerQueryHandler class
var sellerDbItem = await GetElementById<Seller, SellerDto>(new Seller(), request.Id)


Does it make sense create abstract class with generic method to get element from db by passed id?



Moreover, is this implementation of the generic method correct?

不完全是,因为类型是硬编码的。此外,过滤 Context.XXX.Where(x => x.Id == id).SingleAsync() 的代码是重复的。这结合了所有默认值、更多的行和更少的可维护性。

EF Core 使用Queryable,然后您可以生成一个通用表达式,例如:

public static class QueryableExtensions
    public static Task<T>? GetById<T>(this IQueryable<T> query, Guid id)
        // This expression is lambad : e => e.Id == id
        var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T));
        var left = Expression.Property(parameter, "Id");
        var right = Expression.Constant(id);
        var equal = Expression.Equal(left, right);
        var byId = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(equal, parameter);
        return query.SingleAsync(byId);

var seller = await context.Sellers.GetById(Guid.NewGuid());
var product = await context.Products.GetById(Guid.NewGuid());




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