java - Spring配置继承和@Import的区别


class ConfigA extends ConfigB {
   //Some bean definitions here

class ConfigA {
  //Some bean definitions here
  1. 如果我们要导入多个配置文件,那么各个配置之间的排序是如何发生的。
  2. 如果导入的文件之间存在依赖关系会怎样


what is the difference between

@Configuration class ConfigA extends ConfigB { //Some bean definitions here } and

@Configuration @Import({ConfigB.class}) class ConfigA { //Some bean definitions here }

@Import 将允许您导入多个配置,而扩展会将您限制为一个类,因为 java 不支持多重继承。

also if we are importing multiple configuration files, how does the ordering happen among the various config.
And what happens if the imported files have dependencies between them

Spring 自己管理依赖和顺序,而不考虑配置类中给出的顺序。请参阅下面的示例代码。

public class School {

public class Student {

public class Notebook {

@Import({ConfigB.class, ConfigC.class})
public class ConfigA {

    private Notebook notebook;

    public Student getStudent() {
        return new Student();

public class ConfigB {

    private School school;

    public Notebook getNotebook() {
        return new Notebook();


public class ConfigC {

    public School getSchool() {
        return new School();


public class SpringImportApp {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApplicationContext applicationContext = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(ConfigA.class);


ConfigB 在 ConfigC 之前导入,而 ConfigB 正在 Autowiring 由 ConfigC (School) 定义的 bean。由于 School 实例的 Autowiring 按预期进行,因此 spring 似乎正确处理了依赖关系。


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