sql-server - 如何将变量传递给 SSDT 2017 中的 ODBC SQL 命令?

我找不到将参数传递给 ODBC 源的选项?我可以看到很多与此相关的文章,但我在数据流任务表达式中找不到相同的选项。 [ODBC Source].[SqlCommand] 不在数据流任务中。


  • > How do I pass a variable to ODBC SQL Command in BIDS?



我认为由于 Visual Studio、SSDT 和 SQL Server 版本之间的不匹配,该属性丢失了。首先,您必须检查您使用的是相关且合适的版本,您可以查看以下链接以获取更多信息:

  • Previous releases of SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT and SSDT-BI)
  • Installing Integration Services Versions Side by Side
  • SQL Server Integration Services SSIS Versions and Tools


  • SSDT VS2015 Gotcha – Target Server Version – new feature
  • How to change TargetServerVersion of my SSIS Project


  • ODBC Source properties are missing in the Data Flow Task expressions dialogue


在搜索此问题时,我发现 [ODBC Source].[SqlCommand] 属性可能在 2012(2005、2008)之前的版本中找不到,但我找到了一个提到的链接解决方法:

You can easily put in params if the source is an OLE DB source, but what if it is an ODBC Source? You have to use the DataReader source, and you can’t easily set params – like a WHERE statement. You HAVE to use Expressions in order to have a query with a dynamic WHERE statement or passing in a variable as WHERE statement filter.

So, throw a DataFlow on your package, and inside that, throw a DataReader source, and then set the connection to your ODBC Connection (ADO.NET Connection) and set the command text.

  • SSIS – Two Ways Using Expressions Can Make Your Life Easier – Multi DB Select, Non Standard DB Select



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