python - 如果字符串不等于值则删除行 - Pandas

如果特定值之后的字符串不等于值列表,我希望删除行。具体来说,如果 'Up' 或 'Left' 之后的后续行后面没有 'Right''Down' 那么我'我的目标是删除这些行。

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({      
    'Label' : ['A','B','A','B','B','B','A','B','B','A','A','A'],   
    'Item' : ['X','Left','X','Left','Down','Right','Up','Y','Right','Y','Right','Up'],      

df1 = df[~(df['Item'].isin(['Up','Left']).shift(1)) & (df['Item'].isin(['Right','Down']))]

   Label   Item
0      A      X
1      B   Left
2      A      X # Drop. Not Right/Down
3      B   Left
4      B   Down # Keep. Right/Down
5      B  Right
6      A     Up
7      B      Y # Drop. Not Right/Down
8      B  Right
9      A      Y
10     A  Right
11     A     Up


   Label   Item
0      A      X
1      B   Left
3      B   Left
4      B   Down
5      B  Right
6      A     Up
8      B  Right
9      A      Y
10     A  Right
11     A     Up



if the subsequent row after either 'Up' or 'Left' is not followed by 'Right' or 'Down' then I'm aiming to drop those rows.


df1 = df[~(((df['Item'].isin(['Up','Left']).shift(1)) & ~(df['Item'].isin(['Right','Down']))))]

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