java - @Override,在接口(interface)中使用默认方法

我一直在阅读有关在 Java 中使用 @Override 的一些问题。 (例如 this one on override 和 this one on default methods ,显然是 documentations )但是,我仍然很困惑。


public interface TimeClient {
    void setTime(int hour, int minute, int second);


public class TestSimpleTimeClient implements TimeClient {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

    public void setTime(int hour, int minute, int second) {
         System.out.println(hour + " " + minute + " " +second);





The thing that bugs me is the implementation of the method in the interface. It doesn't do anything, it's only declared as a method that take arguments but doesn't do anything else.

那不是“接口(interface)中方法的实现”。那只是一个接口(interface)方法声明。在编程中,术语很重要。接口(interface)往往没有任何实现。 (除非你在谈论 Java 8 的默认接口(interface)方法,但从你的问题的其余部分来看,不清楚你是否知道它们的存在。)

I understand that this is a way to "force" classes to implement a class



but I don't see how this is useful in some specific use cases.

好吧,以 Collection<T> 为例接口(interface),以及 contains()方法,由无数类实现,其中ArrayList<T> , LinkedList<T> , HashSet<T> , BoundedBlockingQueue<T> , 等等等等。您的代码可能如下所示:

boolean hasPekingese( Collection<Animal> animals )
    return animals.contains( AllOfMyAnimals.PEKINGESE );

请注意 hasPekingese()方法不必知道正在实现 Collection<Animal> 的确切类.这意味着您可以调用 hasPekingese()来自将其动物饲养在ArrayList<Animal>中的类, 你也可以调用 hasPekingese()来自将其动物饲养在BoundedBlockingQueue<Animal>中的类.方法hasPekingese()不知道,也不关心。

Let's say I have an interface that's shared by a couple of classes.

不清楚您所说的“共享”是什么意思。您指的是 "implemented"吗?在编程中,术语至关重要。

I want most of these classes to share the same implementation of the method, but not all. The logical, and character-efficient way would be to have a way to say: these classes take the default method in the interface, but these classes override the default method. How would I go about doing that?


Should the one that overrides the method only implement it, whereas the ones that simply use the default method as a whole extend it?

这还不清楚。另外,请不要称它为“默认方法”,因为从 Java 8 开始,“默认方法”是一个具有非常特定含义的术语,尽管它与本次讨论相关,但与您所理解的意义不同正在使用它。

And what if you only want this behaviour for a specific method in an interface?



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