ruby-on-rails - Action 电缆检测多个连接/选项卡

我正在使用 Action Cable,想知道您如何检测同一用户是否打开了多个选项卡或连接,并在必要时将其删除。我有一个下载任务执行多次,我只希望它执行一次。

    class ListsChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
      def subscribed
        stream_from "channel"
    # # TODO code to detect multiple streams and delete them if tabs.

      # def unsubscribed
      # end



Note: this is probably not the exact answer you're looking for, but it might inspire you or others for a different solution.


对我来说,解决方案实际上是构建到 Notifications API 中,通过使用标签,它只会在多个选项卡上显示一次通知:

let notification = new Notification('Hey!', {
    body : 'So nice to hear from you',
    tag : 'greeting-notify',
    icon : ''

也许对您来说解决方案是使用此 API 将您的下载链接推送到:

Notification.requestPermission().then(function (result) {})

import consumer from "./consumer"

consumer.subscriptions.create("ReportNotificationChannel", {
    connected() {},

    disconnected() {},

    received(data) {
        if (Notification.permission === 'granted') {
            let title = `Your file is ready!`
            let options = { body: 'Click here to start downloading.', tag: data['filename']} // Assuming filename is something unique
            let notification = new Notification(title, options)
            notification.onclick = function(event){
                window.location.href = `/downloads/${data['filename']}`

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