python-3.x - 安装 github 子模块时,诗歌安装失败并显示 [CalledProce

我是 python 和 github 的新手。当我尝试安装一些子模块时出现以下错误。

  • 我在 Windows 上使用 git bash
  • pip 最新版本为 20.2.3。
  • 能够使用poetry成功安装其他子模块
    $ poetry install -vvv
    Using virtualenv: E:\Dev\venv\venv_test
    Installing dependencies from lock file
    Command '['C:\\Users\\88810\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tziwqwewd56\\Scripts\\python.exe', '-Im', 'ensurepip', '--upgrade', '--default-pip']' returned non-zero exit status 3221226505.
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\Users\88810\.poetry\lib\poetry\_vendor\py3.6\clikit\", line 131, in run
        status_code = command.handle(parsed_args, io)
      File "C:\Users\88810\.poetry\lib\poetry\_vendor\py3.6\clikit\api\command\", line 120, in handle
        status_code = self._do_handle(args, io)
      File "C:\Users\88810\.poetry\lib\poetry\_vendor\py3.6\clikit\api\command\", line 171, in _do_handle
        return getattr(handler, handler_method)(args, io, self)
      File "C:\Users\88810\.poetry\lib\poetry\_vendor\py3.6\cleo\commands\", line 92, in wrap_handle
        return self.handle()
      File "C:\Users\88810\.poetry\lib\poetry\console\commands\", line 69, in handle
        return_code =
      File "C:\Users\88810\.poetry\lib\poetry\installation\", line 74, in run
      File "C:\Users\88810\.poetry\lib\poetry\installation\", line 225, in _do_install
        ops = solver.solve(use_latest=whitelist)
      File "C:\Users\88810\.poetry\lib\poetry\puzzle\", line 36, in solve
        packages, depths = self._solve(use_latest=use_latest)
      File "C:\Users\88810\.poetry\lib\poetry\puzzle\", line 181, in _solve
        self._package, self._provider, locked=locked, use_latest=use_latest
      File "C:\Users\88810\.poetry\lib\poetry\mixology\", line 7, in resolve_version
        return solver.solve()
      File "C:\Users\88810\.poetry\lib\poetry\mixology\", line 80, in solve
        next = self._choose_package_version()
      File "C:\Users\88810\.poetry\lib\poetry\mixology\", line 388, in _choose_package_version
        version = self._provider.complete_package(version)
      File "C:\Users\88810\.poetry\lib\poetry\puzzle\", line 601, in complete_package
      File "C:\Users\88810\.poetry\lib\poetry\puzzle\", line 175, in search_for_vcs,
      File "C:\Users\88810\.poetry\lib\poetry\puzzle\", line 213, in get_package_from_vcs
        package = cls.get_package_from_directory(tmp_dir, name=name)
      File "C:\Users\88810\.poetry\lib\poetry\puzzle\", line 361, in get_package_from_directory
      File "C:\Users\88810\.poetry\lib\poetry\puzzle\", line 872, in _execute_setup
      File "C:\Users\88810\.poetry\lib\poetry\utils\", line 688, in build_venv
      File "E:\python36\lib\venv\", line 67, in create
      File "E:\python36\lib\venv\", line 245, in _setup_pip
        subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
      File "E:\python36\lib\", line 336, in check_output
      File "C:\Users\88810\.poetry\lib\poetry\utils\", line 206, in run
        retcode, process.args, output=stdout, stderr=stderr



  1. 将 python 3.6 升级到 3.7.4。
  2. 我之前把python安装在E盘,安装在C盘。

关于python-3.x - 安装 github 子模块时,诗歌安装失败并显示 [CalledProcessError],我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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