macos - 安装 Unity 和 Android SDK for Mac 时,adb 在哪里?

我遇到了 Android 构建失败并想找到 adb做一些查询,如 adb devices但在哪里adb安装了吗?我已经为 Unity 安装了 Android SDK。


从@Programmer 的回答来看,这一行不再正确:

You are responsible for downloading, installing and setting up Android SDK and then manually setting the paths in Unity.

Unity 现在允许和 encourages you to install the Android SDK via their Unity Hub :

Use the Unity Hub to install Android Build Support and the required Android SDK & NDK tools:

从同一页面,我找到了 adb.exe位于:/c/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2019.2.1f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/SDK/platform-tools/adb.exe


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