android - 如何处理 In-App Billing Library 中的多个用户? (最佳实

我正在我的应用程序中实现 Google 的应用内结算库,并且想知道处理以下情况的最佳方法

  1. 多设备和单用户

Use Case:

  • User U1 with Google Play Store Account G1 subscribes to Subscription S1.
  • Now User U1 log out from the app and User U2 login the app.


  • What will happen if User U2 tries to subscribe the Subscription S1?
  • Shall we restrict the User U2 by saying "This Subscription has already been subscribed to some other user from this Google Account"?
  1. 单个设备和多个用户

Use Case I:

  • User U1 with Google Play Store Account G1 subscribes to Subscription S1.
  • User U1 with Google Play Store Account G2 tries to subscribe Subscription S1.


  • Shall we restrict the User U1 by saying "You have already subscribed to this subscription by some other Google Account"?

Use Case II

  • User U1 with Google Play Store Account G1 subscribes to Subscription S1.
  • User U1 with Google Play Store Account G2 tries to subscribe Subscription S2.


  • Shall we allow the user to subscribe to different subscriptions with different Google Account?


  • Shall we map each user with a different Google Account and if the user tries to purchase with some other Google Account, restrict it OR ask him to delink his existing linked Google Account first?
  • Can we subscribe(purchase) a subscription from 2 users using the same Google Play Account? (Say using different accountId



应用内商品的购买和订阅都与进行购买时使用的 Google 帐户严格关联。

您无法从一个 Google 帐户知道另一个帐户进行的购买,如果可能的话,这将是一个严重的安全问题。


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