dart - 在 Dart 中向服务器发出多个独立请求的最佳方式


Future<List<Item>> getAllItems() async {
    var client = new http.Client();
    List<String> itemsIds = ['1', '2', '3']; //different ids
    List<Item> itemList = [];
    for (var item in itemsIds) {
      //make call to server eg: 'sampleapi/1/next' etc
      await client.get('sampleapi/' + item + '/next').then((response) {
        //Do some processing and add to itemList

    return itemList;

现在,api 调用一个接一个。但是 api 调用是相互独立的。避免异步等待 hell 的最佳实现方式是什么?


您可以使用 Future.wait(...) 等待一组 Future 完成:

Future<List<Item>> getAllItems() async {
    var client = new http.Client();
    List<String> itemsIds = ['1', '2', '3']; //different ids

    return Future.wait<Item>(['1', '2', '3'].map((item) =>
      client.get('sampleapi/' + item + '/next').then((response) {
        //Do some processing and add to itemList
        return foo; // some Item that is the result of this request 

另见 https://api.dartlang.org/stable/1.24.3/dart-async/Future/wait.html



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