javascript - 句号、单词和冒号的正则表达式

是否有正则表达式、python 或 javascript 方法来搜索句点、单词和定义,然后将其附加到字典或其他对象?


. Reversion: A reversion is turning back again to a previous state or condition. Rhetoric: Rhetoric is the skill or art of using language to persuade or influence people, especially language that sounds impressive but may not be sincere or honest.

这将变成 {"Reversion": "A reversion is going again back to a previous state or condition", "Rhetoric": "Rhetoric is the skill or art of using language to persuase or influence people, especially听起来令人印象深刻但可能不真诚或诚实的语言”





  • \.\s* 起始点和可选空格
  • ([^:]*)“单词”是冒号前的所有内容
  • \s*:\s* 冒号用可选空格包围
  • ([^.]*)“定义”是最后一个点之前的所有内容


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