visual-c++ - Visual c++ OpenCV 2.1 contains()


Point b(2,2);
Rect a(10,10,50,50);
cout<< Rect_::contains(b);

There is a compile error saying 1>c:\users\kaushal\documents\visual studio 2008\projects\test1\test1.cpp(23) : error C2352: 'cv::Rect_<_Tp>::contains' : illegal call of non-static member function
1>c:\opencv2.1\include\opencv\cxcore.hpp(385) : see declaration of 'cv::Rect_<_Tp>::contains'


您想要使用a实例来定义区​​域来运行确定a包含b的方法。 contains方法不是静态的,因此您不能在Rect类上调用它。

Point b(2,2); 
Rect a(10,10,50,50); 
cout<< Rect_::contains(b);  // error here - contains is not static so can't be called on class
cout<< a.contains(b);  // this is what you want - use instance with knowledge of rect


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