node.js - gulp 段错误 : 11 and Abort trap: 6 OSX Yose

我们一直在 gulp 上运行一组任务,使用 browser-sync 和 在文件更改时重新加载浏览器。在 2 个不同的项目中,我越来越多地看到越来越多的 Segmentation fault: 11Abort trap: 6

gulp 任务布局是这个的派生:



Abort trap 6 example

[BS] File changed: build/views/admin/dashboard/adminSailingCalls.html
[BS] File changed: build/views/admin/dashboard/adminSailingLanes.html
[BS] File changed: build/views/admin/dashboard/adminUsers.html
[BS] File changed: build/views/admin/dashboard/index.html
[16:58:32] Starting 'html-index'...
[16:58:32] Finished 'html-index' after 1.3 ms
[16:58:32] Starting 'html'...
[16:58:33] Finished 'html' after 74 ms
[16:58:33] Starting 'html-index'...
[16:58:33] Finished 'html-index' after 1.88 ms
[16:58:33] Starting 'html'...
gulp(79700,0x1094e8000) malloc: *** error for object 0x108f19bc0: incorrect checksum for freed object - object was probably modified after being freed.
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
Abort trap: 6

Segfault: 11 example:

[BS] File changed: build/views/sailingsSearchStep1.html
[BS] File changed: build/views/sailingsSearchStep2.html
[BS] File changed: build/views/sailingsSearchStep3Container.html
[BS] File changed: build/views/sailingsSearchStep3Weight.html
[BS] File changed: build/views/searchSubmitted.html
[BS] File changed: build/views/signup.html
[BS] File changed: build/views/signupStep1.html
[BS] File changed: build/views/signupStep2.html
[BS] File changed: build/views/signupStep3.html
Segmentation fault: 11

当 gulp-sass 尝试解析空的 .scss 文件时,我看到了类似最终结果的问题,但我们使用的是 .less。非常感谢任何指导 - 虽然上面的项目仍然可用,但我已经开始了另一个文件少得多的副项目,但我看到 Segfault: 11 错误太多,所以我正在考虑转移到一个npm script based workflow解决这个问题。


在项目文件夹中本地重新安装 gulp 对我有帮助,不知道为什么。但是,由于它基本上没有风险,因此可以尝试一下:

npm install --save-dev gulp

关于node.js - gulp 段错误 : 11 and Abort trap: 6 OSX Yosemite,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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