arrays - MIPS中的冒泡排序算法


第 22 行 中,当第一次迭代执行时没有任何错误,程序将 array[i+1] 完美加载到 registrar $a1如果交换条件有效,程序交换没有任何问题。然而,在第二次迭代中,程序总是将 0 加载到 $a1 中,无论该元素的实际值是多少!我尝试对其进行调试,但一切都不清楚,我不知道这是什么原因。

1.  # Procedure:    bubbleSort
2.  # Objective:    sort an array of integer elements in nondecreasing order
3.  # Input:        an address of an array of integers
4.  # Output:       an array sorted in nondecreasing order
6.  bubbleSort:
8.  move    $t0, $a0     # move address of the array into $t0
9.  li      $s0, 1      # boolean swap = false.  0 --> false, 1 --> true
10. li      $t1, 0      # j = 0;
11. li      $t2, 0      # i = 0;
12. li      $s1, 9      # array length
13. loop:
14.     beqz    $s0, exit       # exit if swap = false
15.     li      $s0, 0          # swap = false;
16.     addiu   $t1, $t1, 1  # j++;
17.     move    $t2, $0      # i = 0;
18.     subu    $s2, $s1, $t1  # s2 = length - j
19.     forLoop:
20.         bge     $t2, $s2, exitForLoop   # if i>=s2, exit
21.         lw      $a0, 0($t0)         # a0 = array[i]
22.         lw      $a1, 4($t0)         # a1 = array[i+1]
23.         ble     $a0, $a1, update        # if array[i]<=array[i+1] skip
24.         sw      $a1, 0($t0)         # a[i+1] = a[i]
25.         sw      $a0, 4($t0)         # a[i] = a[i+1]
26.         li      $s0, 1                 # swap = true;
27.         update:
28.         addiu   $t2, $t2, 1         # i++
29.         sll     $t3, $t2, 2         # t3 = i*4
30.         addu    $t0, $t0, $t3        # point to next element -->
31.         j       forLoop
32.     exitForLoop:
33.         j   loop
34. exit:
35.     jr      $ra



#   Data
prompt: .asciiz  "\n\nEnter up to 10 characters: "  # Prompt asking for user input
newLine: .asciiz "\n"                               # Newline character
theString: .asciiz "           "                    # A ten character string initially filled with whitespace

#   Text

#####   Procedure: Main
#####   Info:      Asks user for input, gets input, and then call 
#####              procedures to manipulate the input and output.
    #  Print Prompt
    la $a0, prompt   # Load address of prompt from memory into $a0
    li $v0, 4        # Load Opcode: 4 (print string) 
    syscall          # Init syscall

    #  Read User Input into address of theString
    la $a0,theString  # Load address of theString into syscall argument a0
    li $a1,11         # Load sizeOfInput+1 into syscall argument a1
    li $v0,8          # Load Opcode: 8 (Read String)

    #  Define total num of chars
    li $s7,10           # s7 upper index

    #  Call procedures 
    jal uppercase  
    jal sort
    jal print
    j exit
############################################# main END   #######################################################

#####   Procedure: uppercase
#####   Info:      Loops through the ten elements of chars gathered from 
#####              user input and if ascii is in range between 97  
#####              and 122, it will subtract 32 and store back

    la $s0, theString    # Load base address to theString into $t0
    add $t6,$zero,$zero  # Set index i = 0 ($t6)

        #  Check for sentinal val and if true
        #  branch to done to jump back to ra
        beq $t6,$s7,done 

        #  Load Array[i]
        add $s2,$s0,$t6 #
        lb  $t1,0($s2)

        #  if char is within lowercase 
        #  range.
        sgt  $t2,$t1,96
        slti $t3,$t1,123
        and $t3,$t2,$t3
        #  else, don't store byte
        beq $t3,$zero,isUpper
        addi $t1,$t1,-32
        sb   $t1, 0($s2)

        #  increment and Jump back 
        addi $t6,$t6,1
        j lupper
############################################# uppercase END   ##################################################

#####   Procedure: sort
#####   Info:      Bubble sorts whatever is contained within 
#####              theString based on ascii values
    #  Initialize incrementer for outer
    #  loop
    add $t0,$zero,$zero 

    #  Outer Loop
        #  Check for sentinal val and if true
        #  branch to done
        beq $t0,$s7,done

        #  Initialize upper bound of inner
        #  loop ( 10 - i - 1 ) 
        sub $t7,$s7,$t0
        addi $t7,$t7,-1

        #  Initialize incrementer for inner
        #  loop
        add $t1,$zero,$zero

        #  Inner Loop
            #  Check for sentinal val and if true
            #  branch to continue
            beq $t1,$t7,continue

            #  Load Array[i] and Array[i+1]
            add $t6,$s0,$t1
            lb  $s1,0($t6)
            lb  $s2,1($t6)

            #  If ascii(Array[i]) > ascii(Array[i+1])
            #  then swap and store
            sgt $t2, $s1,$s2
            #  Else,  don't swap and store
            beq $t2, $zero, good
            sb  $s2,0($t6)
            sb  $s1,1($t6)

            #  increment and Jump back 
            addi $t1,$t1,1
            j jLoop

        #  increment and Jump back 
        addi $t0,$t0,1
        j loop
############################################# sort END   #######################################################

#####   Procedure: Print
#####   Info:      Prints whatever is stored inside theString

    # Print a new line
    la $a0,newLine
    li $v0,4

    #  Initialize incrementer for loop
    add $t6,$zero,$zero # Set index i = 0 $t6

        #  Check for sentinal val and if true
        #  branch to done
        beq $t6,$s7,done  

        #  Load Array[i] into t1 and print
        add $t1,$s0,$t6 
        lb $a0, 0($t1)  # Load argument
        li $v0, 11      # Load opcode
        syscall         # Call syscall

        #  increment and Jump back 
        addi $t6,$t6,1  
        j lprint
############################################# print END   ######################################################

#####  Procedure: done
#####       Info: Jumps to $ra. Only one procedure is needed to jump back to ra

    jr $ra


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