html - 打开一个新页面 onclick onclick 一个 div 元素

我不知道这是否可行,但我正在尝试通过单击 HTML 元素来打开页面。我在下面详细说明。

我有一个 HTML 网页,其中包含来自第三方工具的源代码(用于联属网络营销的产品代码)。因此,当用户点击此代码中的其中一种产品时,他将被重定向到第三方商家。让我们想象一下代码如下:

<script async defer src="[linkremoved]"></script>
<!-- my page content -->
<!-- Partner code -->
<div data-gyg-href="[linkremoved]" data-gyg-locale-code="fr-FR" data-gyg-q="Neuhausen"></div>
<!-- my page content -->



<script async defer src="[linkremoved]"></script>
<!-- my page content -->
<a href ="comments.html" target="_blank">
<!-- Partner code -->
<div data-gyg-href="[linkremoved]" data-gyg-locale-code="fr-FR" data-gyg-q="Neuhausen"></div>
<!-- my page content -->


如果我认为最简单的方法就是使用 javascript,请参见下面的示例。

// If you want to redirect user without opening a new tab, use this
// window.location.href="";

// But if you want to open a new tab, use this
//"", "_blank");

function noNewTab() {

function newTab() {"", "_blank");

function localFile() {
   // First we will need to get the url of your webpage
   let currentUrl = window.location.origin;
   // To what file redirect?
   let redirectFile = "test.html";

   // And redirect. We will need to add / before the file path
   window.location.href = currentUrl + "/" + redirectFile;
<div onclick="noNewTab()">
  <p> Example product. Click on me! (No new tab) </p>

<div onclick="newTab()">
  <p> Example product. Click on me! (New tab) </p>

<div onclick="localFile()">
  <p> Example product. Click on me! (Change file, not url) </p>



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