python - Pandas 的 Mypy/typeshed stub

只是检查是否有人在收听,已经为 `pandas` 生成了一组可以正常工作的 mypy/typeshed stub 。我天真地在本地 pandas 安装上运行了 stubgen,这产生了一些错误。我可以从我必须开始的事情开始,但希望其他人把球推得更远。 (虽然有一张旧票 stub ,但在 GitHub 上没有明显的结果。)


到现在(2021 年 3 月)有 a dedicated pandas stub project进行中。然而,它不是由 pandas 团队开发的(感谢@remeus 指出)。 data-science-types 项目已弃用。在 GitHub 上 they write :

⚠️ this project has mostly stopped development ⚠️

The pandas team and the numpy team are both in the process of integrating type stubs into their codebases, and we don't see the point of competing with them.

NumPy stub 曾经在一个单独的项目中,但现在 have been merged进入主 git 仓库:

These stubs have been merged into NumPy, and all further development will happen in the NumPy main repo. We welcome your contributions there!

2022年7月,pandas-stubs包集成到pandas GitHub项目 . They write :

Starting from July 2022 pandas_stubs package will no longer be sourced from here but instead from a repository owned and maintained by the core pandas team

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