json - 将包含 json 数据的 pandas 数据框的列拆分为多个列

我加载并规范化了一个 json 数据:

json_string = json.loads(data)
df_norm = json_normalize(json_string, errors='ignore')

假设它现在有 2 列:

Group       Members

A           [{'id':'1', 'metrics': '34', 'profile': 'abc'},{'id':'3', 
              'metrics': '32', 'profile': 'dc'}]
B           [{'id':'2', 'metrics': '4', 'profile': 'bac'}]


Group   Members                                                                                          id     metrics     profile
A       {'id':'1', 'metrics': '34', 'profile': 'abc'},{'id':'3', 'metrics': '32', 'profile': 'dc'}]      1      34          abc
A       {'id':'1', 'metrics': '34', 'profile': 'abc'},{'id':'3', 'metrics': '32', 'profile': 'dc'}]      3      32          dc
B       [{'id':'2', 'metrics': '4', 'profile': 'bac'}]                                                   4      4           bac




import ast

#if necessary convert column to list of dicts
df['Members'] = df['Members'].apply(ast.literal_eval)
#create DataFrames in list comprehension
df1 = pd.concat({k:pd.DataFrame(v) for k, v in df['Members'].items()})
#join to original
df = df.join(df1.reset_index(level=1, drop=True)).reset_index(drop=True)
print (df)
  Group                                            Members id metrics profile
0     A  [{'id': '1', 'metrics': '34', 'profile': 'abc'...  1      34     abc
1     A  [{'id': '1', 'metrics': '34', 'profile': 'abc'...  3      32      dc
2     B    [{'id': '2', 'metrics': '4', 'profile': 'bac'}]  2       4     bac



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