ssh - 如何隐藏 ssh 期望用户/密码

我的 Expect 脚本以明文形式显示密码/用户,我想隐藏它。

###########################################################################################    ############
# Input: It will handle two arguments -> a device and a show command.
###########################################################################################    ############
# ######### Start of Script ######################
# #### Set up Timeouts - Debugging Variables
log_user 0
set timeout 10
set userid  "USER"
set password  "PASS"
# ############## Get two arguments - (1) Device (2) Command to be executed
set device  [lindex $argv 0] 
set command [lindex $argv 1]
spawn /usr/local/bin/ssh -l $userid $device
match_max [expr 32 * 1024]
expect {
    -re "RSA key fingerprint" {send "yes\r"}
    timeout {puts "Host is known"}
expect {
    -re "username: " {send "$userid\r"} 
    -re "(P|p)assword: " {send "$password\r"}
     -re "Warning:" {send "$password\r"}
    -re "Connection refused" {puts "Host error -> $expect_out(buffer)";exit}
    -re "Connection closed"  {puts "Host error -> $expect_out(buffer)";exit}
   -re "no address.*" {puts "Host error -> $expect_out(buffer)";exit}
    timeout {puts "Timeout error. Is device down or unreachable?? ssh_expect";exit}
expect {
   -re "\[#>]$" {send "term len 0\r"}
   timeout {puts "Error reading prompt -> $expect_out(buffer)";exit}
expect {
   -re "\[#>]$" {send "$command\r"}
   timeout {puts "Error reading prompt -> $expect_out(buffer)";exit}
expect -re "\[#>]$"
set output $expect_out(buffer)
send "exit\r"
puts "$output\r\n"


...并添加 -OUseBatchMode=Yes这样,如果您的 key 有问题,ssh 将立即失败(您可以验证退出代码),而不仅仅是退回到密码模式并挂起(因为您正在交互运行)


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