visual-studio - visual studio 项目总是重建但 pdb 未更新



1>FastUpToDate: Input 'C:\Development\Source\DotNet\common\Bentley.APM.Common.ODBC\obj\project.assets.json' is newer (5/5/2020 8:52:58 AM) than earliest output 'C:\Development\Source\DotNet\bin\x64\Release\Bentley.APM.Common.ODBC.pdb' (5/1/2020 11:17:23 PM), not up to date. (Bentley.APM.Common.ODBC)

在 bin 文件夹中,dlls 时间戳在我每次构建时都会更新。 但是相应的 pdb 时间戳是 DAYS 前的。

我认为 pdb 只有在我去手动编辑项目中保持“重建”的文件之一时才会更新。


Failed to resolve all items referenced by 'Service Providers\Ivara.ServiceProvider.Interoperability\Ivara.ServiceProvider.Interoperability.csproj'. This message can typically be ignored. The issue may be resolved by fully restoring and building the solution. If the unresolved item is a project reference this can lead to an incomplete NuGet restore result and missing package references. To ensure that restore is able to find all projects verify that all projects are referenced correctly and exist on disk.
Failed to resolve all items referenced by 'common\Authentication\Bentley.APM.Authentication.Oidc.Client\Bentley.APM.Authentication.Oidc.Client.csproj'. This message can typically be ignored. The issue may be resolved by fully restoring and building the solution. If the unresolved item is a project reference this can lead to an incomplete NuGet restore result and missing package references. To ensure that restore is able to find all projects verify that all projects are referenced correctly and exist on disk.
Failed to resolve all items referenced by 'common\Authentication\Bentley.APM.Authentication.SSPI\Bentley.APM.Authentication.SSPI.csproj'. This message can typically be ignored. The issue may be resolved by fully restoring and building the solution. If the unresolved item is a project reference this can lead to an incomplete NuGet restore result and missing package references. To ensure that restore is able to find all projects verify that all projects are referenced correctly and exist on disk.
Failed to resolve all items referenced by 'common\Authentication\Bentley.APM.Authentication.Interfaces\Bentley.APM.Authentication.Interfaces.csproj'. This message can typically be ignored. The issue may be resolved by fully restoring and building the solution. If the unresolved item is a project reference this can lead to an incomplete NuGet restore result and missing package references. To ensure that restore is able to find all projects verify that all projects are referenced correctly and exist on disk.
Failed to resolve all items referenced by 'common\Authentication\Bentley.APM.Authentication.Common\Bentley.APM.Authentication.Common.csproj'. This message can typically be ignored. The issue may be resolved by fully restoring and building the solution. If the unresolved item is a project reference this can lead to an incomplete NuGet restore result and missing package references. To ensure that restore is able to find all projects verify that all projects are referenced correctly and exist on disk.
Failed to resolve all items referenced by 'common\IvaraCommon\IvaraCommon.csproj'. This message can typically be ignored. The issue may be resolved by fully restoring and building the solution. If the unresolved item is a project reference this can lead to an incomplete NuGet restore result and missing package references. To ensure that restore is able to find all projects verify that all projects are referenced correctly and exist on disk.
Failed to resolve all items referenced by 'Service Providers\Bentley.APM.ServiceProvider.GraphQL\Bentley.APM.ServiceProvider.GraphQL.csproj'. This message can typically be ignored. The issue may be resolved by fully restoring and building the solution. If the unresolved item is a project reference this can lead to an incomplete NuGet restore result and missing package references. To ensure that restore is able to find all projects verify that all projects are referenced correctly and exist on disk.
Failed to resolve all items referenced by 'Service Providers\Rest.Common\Rest.Common.csproj'. This message can typically be ignored. The issue may be resolved by fully restoring and building the solution. If the unresolved item is a project reference this can lead to an incomplete NuGet restore result and missing package references. To ensure that restore is able to find all projects verify that all projects are referenced correctly and exist on disk.
Failed to resolve all items referenced by 'Service Providers\Ivara.ServiceProvider.Interoperability\Test\Ivara.ServiceProvider.Interoperability.Test.csproj'. This message can typically be ignored. The issue may be resolved by fully restoring and building the solution. If the unresolved item is a project reference this can lead to an incomplete NuGet restore result and missing package references. To ensure that restore is able to find all projects verify that all projects are referenced correctly and exist on disk.
Failed to resolve all items referenced by 'Service Providers\Bentley.APM.ServiceProvider.GraphQL\Tests\Bentley.APM.ServiceProvider.GraphQL.Tests.csproj'. This message can typically be ignored. The issue may be resolved by fully restoring and building the solution. If the unresolved item is a project reference this can lead to an incomplete NuGet restore result and missing package references. To ensure that restore is able to find all projects verify that all projects are referenced correctly and exist on disk.
Failed to resolve all items referenced by 'Service Providers\Bentley.APM.ServiceProvider.GraphQL\UnitTests\Bentley.APM.ServiceProvider.GraphQL.UnitTests.csproj'. This message can typically be ignored. The issue may be resolved by fully restoring and building the solution. If the unresolved item is a project reference this can lead to an incomplete NuGet restore result and missing package references. To ensure that restore is able to find all projects verify that all projects are referenced correctly and exist on disk.
Failed to resolve all items referenced by 'Service Providers\Rest.Common.Tests\Rest.Common.Tests.csproj'. This message can typically be ignored. The issue may be resolved by fully restoring and building the solution. If the unresolved item is a project reference this can lead to an incomplete NuGet restore result and missing package references. To ensure that restore is able to find all projects verify that all projects are referenced correctly and exist on disk.
Failed to resolve all items referenced by 'Service Providers\Ivara.ServiceProvider.MobileRestService\UnitTests\Ivara.ServiceProvider.MobileRestService.UnitTests.csproj'. This message can typically be ignored. The issue may be resolved by fully restoring and building the solution. If the unresolved item is a project reference this can lead to an incomplete NuGet restore result and missing package references. To ensure that restore is able to find all projects verify that all projects are referenced correctly and exist on disk.
Failed to resolve all items referenced by 'Service Providers\Ivara.ServiceProvider.MobileRestService\Test\Ivara.ServiceProvider.MobileRestService.Test.csproj'. This message can typically be ignored. The issue may be resolved by fully restoring and building the solution. If the unresolved item is a project reference this can lead to an incomplete NuGet restore result and missing package references. To ensure that restore is able to find all projects verify that all projects are referenced correctly and exist on disk.
Failed to resolve all items referenced by 'Utilities\ServiceProviderHost\ServiceProviderHost.csproj'. This message can typically be ignored. The issue may be resolved by fully restoring and building the solution. If the unresolved item is a project reference this can lead to an incomplete NuGet restore result and missing package references. To ensure that restore is able to find all projects verify that all projects are referenced correctly and exist on disk.
Failed to resolve all items referenced by 'TestingInfrastructure\TestConfigurationApp\TestSettings.csproj'. This message can typically be ignored. The issue may be resolved by fully restoring and building the solution. If the unresolved item is a project reference this can lead to an incomplete NuGet restore result and missing package references. To ensure that restore is able to find all projects verify that all projects are referenced correctly and exist on disk.
Failed to resolve all items referenced by 'TestingInfrastructure\TestFramework\TestFramework.csproj'. This message can typically be ignored. The issue may be resolved by fully restoring and building the solution. If the unresolved item is a project reference this can lead to an incomplete NuGet restore result and missing package references. To ensure that restore is able to find all projects verify that all projects are referenced correctly and exist on disk.
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80004005): Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.
   at VSLangProj80.Reference3.get_SourceProject()
   at NuGet.PackageManagement.VisualStudio.VsCoreProjectSystemReferenceReader.IsProjectReference(Reference3 reference, ILogger logger)
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80004005): Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.
   at VSLangProj80.Reference3.get_SourceProject()
   at NuGet.PackageManagement.VisualStudio.VsCoreProjectSystemReferenceReader.IsProjectReference(Reference3 reference, ILogger logger)
Failed to resolve all items referenced by 'EXPLink\EXPLinkTestSuiteExtensions\EXPLinkTestSuiteExtensions.vcxproj'. This message can typically be ignored. The issue may be resolved by fully restoring and building the solution. If the unresolved item is a project reference this can lead to an incomplete NuGet restore result and missing package references. To ensure that restore is able to find all projects verify that all projects are referenced correctly and exist on disk.
Failed to resolve all items referenced by 'Service Providers\Ivara.ServiceProvider.MobileRestService\Ivara.ServiceProvider.MobileRestService.csproj'. This message can typically be ignored. The issue may be resolved by fully restoring and building the solution. If the unresolved item is a project reference this can lead to an incomplete NuGet restore result and missing package references. To ensure that restore is able to find all projects verify that all projects are referenced correctly and exist on disk.
Restoring NuGet packages...
To prevent NuGet from restoring packages during build, open the Visual Studio Options dialog, click on the NuGet Package Manager node and uncheck 'Allow NuGet to download missing packages during build.'
Running restore with 12 concurrent jobs.
Reading project file C:\Development\Source\DotNet\common\Bentley.APM.Common.Extensions\Bentley.APM.Common.Extensions.csproj.

编辑 - 我又回到了这个状态:

1>FastUpToDate: Input 'C:\Development\Source\DotNet\common\Bentley.APM.Common.Logging\obj\project.assets.json' is newer (5/13/2020 5:25:07 AM) than earliest output 'C:\Development\Source\DotNet\common\Bentley.APM.Common.Logging\obj\x64\Release\Bentley.APM.Common.Logging.pdb' (5/11/2020 2:28:57 PM), not up to date. (Bentley.APM.Common.Logging)
1>------ Build started: Project: Bentley.APM.Common.Logging, Configuration: Release x64 ------
1>Target GenerateTargetFrameworkMonikerAttribute:
1>  Skipping target "GenerateTargetFrameworkMonikerAttribute" because all output files are up-to-date with respect to the input files.
1>Target CoreGenerateAssemblyInfo:
1>  Skipping target "CoreGenerateAssemblyInfo" because all output files are up-to-date with respect to the input files.
1>Target CoreCompile:
1>  Skipping target "CoreCompile" because all output files are up-to-date with respect to the input files.
1>Target _CopyFilesMarkedCopyLocal:
1>  Touching "C:\Development\Source\DotNet\common\Bentley.APM.Common.Logging\obj\x64\Release\Bentley.APM.Common.Logging.csproj.CopyComplete".
1>Target ApmUpdateVersion:
1>  C:\Development\Source\DotNet\common\Bentley.APM.Common.Logging\obj\x64\Release\Bentley.APM.Common.Logging.dll : Version resource updated


1>FastUpToDate: Input 'C:\Development\Source\DotNet\common\Bentley.APM.Common.Logging\obj\project.assets.json' is newer (5/13/2020 5:25:07 AM) than earliest output 'C:\Development\Source\DotNet\common\Bentley.APM.Common.Logging\obj\x64\Release\Bentley.APM.Common.Logging.pdb' (5/11/2020 2:28:57 PM), not up to date. (Bentley.APM.Common.Logging)

pdb 已有两天多了,似乎没有更新。


1>Target CoreCompile: 1> Skipping target "CoreCompile" because all output files are up-to-date with respect to the input files.


在构建解决方案之前清理解决方案并重建或删除 PDB 应该可行


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