javascript - 将 Uint8Array 转换为 Float32Array

我想通过简单地连接 4 个字节的元组,将二进制数组(我收到的 Uint8Array)转换为 Float32Array。我希望将每个 Uint8 转换为 Float32(这就是为什么这不是 this post 的副本)。

已在 this one 等答案中提出建议简单地做这样的事情(准确地说,这个建议实际上是为了相反方向的转换):

var floatShared = new Float32Array(uint8array.buffer);

根据这个答案,两个数组现在在后台共享同一个缓冲区,这正是我所需要的。但是我的 floatShared 似乎没有得到正确更新,因为长度仍然为 0,我无法在浏览器中检查它。



遇到过类似的问题。我无法直接从 UInt8Array 获取它到 Float32Array。分两步完成:

1) 将 UInt8Array 转换为“常规” float 组

// utility function, creates array of numbers from `start` to `stop`, with given `step`:
const range = (start, stop, step = 1) =>
    Array(Math.ceil((stop - start) / step)).fill(start).map((x, y) => x + y * step)

// uint8 array with 2 floats inside, 1.0 and -1.0
uint8array = new Uint8Array([63, 128, 0, 0, 128 + 63, 128, 0, 0]);
numberOfFloats = uint8array.byteLength / 4;
dataView = new DataView(uint8array.buffer);
// sometimes your Uint8Array is part of larger buffer, then you will want to do this instead of line above:
// dataView = new DataView(uint8array.buffer, uint8array.byteOffset, uint8array.byteLength) 

arrayOfNumbers = range(0, numberOfFloats).map(idx => dataView.getFloat32(idx * 4, false));  
// be careful with endianness, you may want to do:
// arrayOfNumbers = range(0, numberOfFloats).map(idx => dataView.getFloat32(idx * 4, true))

2) 将 float 数组转换为 Float32Array

float32array = new Float32Array(arrayOfNumbers)




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