sql-server - 如何计算 SQL 中 float 的模数?

Microsoft SQL Server 中的取模函数仅适用于某些数据类型。

根据关于模数运算符的 MSDN 文章 [1],您通常会像这样使用模数...

dividend % divisor

Is the numeric expression to divide. dividend must be a valid 
expression of any one of the data types in the integer and 
monetary data type categories, or the numeric data type.

Is the numeric expression by which to divide the dividend. 
divisor must be any valid expression of any one of the data 
types in the integer and monetary data type categories, or 
the numeric data type.

但是,当股息是 float 据类型时,这不起作用。下面列出了我们得出的答案,以供将来引用。

[1] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190279.aspx



CAST(CAST(TheInaccurateFloatValue AS decimal(38,19)) % ModuloValue AS float) 



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