spring - 在 Spring 中使用 @PropertyResource 访问多个属性文件

使用 Spring 3.1 中新增的 @PropertySource 注解,如何通过 Environment 访问多个属性文件?


    name = "props",
    value = { "classpath:File1.properties", "classpath:File2.properties" })
public class TestDetailsController {

private Environment env;
 * Simply selects the home view to render by returning its name.
@RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String home(Locale locale, Model model) {

    String file1Name = env.getProperty("file1.name","file1.name not found");
            String file2Name = env.getProperty("file2.name","file2.name not found");

            System.out.println("file 1: " + file1Name);
            System.out.println("file 2: " + file2Name);

    return "home";

结果是 File1.properties 中的正确文件名,但未找到 file2.name。如何访问File2.properties


如果您可以迁移到 Spring 4.x,那么新的 @PropertySources 已经解决了问题。注释:




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