reactjs - Stripe react native : Merchant display n

我正在尝试将 Stripe React Native SDK 实现到我的 React Native 应用程序中,但是当我向用户出示付款单时出现错误。

我遵循了 stripe 网站 ( ) 上的教程,但我不断收到以下错误:

{"code": "Failed", "declineCode": null, "localizedMessage": "When a Configuration is passed to
PaymentSheet, the Merchant display name cannot be an empty string.", "message": "When a
Configuration is passed to PaymentSheet, the Merchant display name cannot be an empty string.",
"stripeErrorCode": null, "type": null}




我遇到了同样的错误。重新检查文档后,我发现在初始化 strip 付款表时缺少“merchantDisplayName”参数。

const {error} = await initPaymentSheet({
  paymentIntentClientSecret: client_secret,
  googlePay: true,
  merchantDisplayName: 'Merchant Name',

关于reactjs - Stripe react native : Merchant display name cannot be an empty string,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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