python - 使用 Gmail Python 发送电子邮件

我正在尝试发送电子邮件,但遇到了这个错误: smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError: (534, b'5.7.9 需要特定于应用程序的密码。了解更多信息\n5.7.9 d2sm13023190qkl.98 - gsmtp' )

在网址中我没有看到任何 super 有用的东西,有人有什么提示吗?出于 SO 目的,我将电子邮件帐户密码保留为 test 而不是共享我的个人信息..

import smtplib
import ssl

# User configuration
sender_email = ''
receiver_email = ''
password = 'test'

# Email text
email_body = '''
    This is a test email sent by Python. Isn't that cool?

# Creating a SMTP session | use 587 with TLS, 465 SSL and 25
server = smtplib.SMTP('', 587)
# Encrypts the email
context = ssl.create_default_context()
# We log in into our Google account
server.login(sender_email, password)
# Sending email from sender, to receiver with the email body
server.sendmail(sender_email, receiver_email, email_body)
print('Email sent!')

print('Closing the server...')



import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart

email = "" # the email where you sent the email
password = "yourPassword"
send_to_email = "" # for whom
subject = "Gmail"
message = "This is a test email sent by Python. Isn't that cool?!"

msg = MIMEMultipart()
msg["From"] = email
msg["To"] = send_to_email
msg["Subject"] = subject

msg.attach(MIMEText(message, 'plain'))

server = smtplib.SMTP("", 587)
server.login(email, password)
text = msg.as_string()
server.sendmail(email, send_to_email, text)


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