jekyll - 如何使用 Jekyll 将 CSS 导入 SCSS 文件?

这是 css 文件夹中的 style.scss,它正确地将所有导入合并到一个文件中到 _site/css/style.css但它不包括 normalize.css

只有当我将扩展名更改为 normalize.scss


@charset "utf-8";

@import "../../node_modules/normalize.css/normalize.css";
@import "variables";
@import "general";
@import "navigation";
@import "intro";

如果我像这样跳过扩展,那么 Jekyll 甚至不会编译(错误是无法导入未找到或不可读)

@import "../../node_modules/normalize.css/normalize";

如何使用 Jekyll 将 CSS 导入 SCSS 文件?


您可以在这篇文章中找到答案:Import regular CSS file in SCSS file?


CSS @import Directives

Sass is now more intelligent about when to compile @import directives to plain > CSS. Any of the following conditions will cause a literal CSS @import:>

Importing a path with a .css extension (e.g. @import "foo.css").
Importing a path with a media type (e.g. @import "foo" screen;).
Importing an HTTP path (e.g. @import "").
Importing any URL (e.g. @import url(foo)).
The former two conditions always worked, but the latter two are new.


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