r - 将字符串拆分为单词并分配给新列

我讲过不同长度的 Turn。我想将 Turn 分解成单独的单词,并根据单词在话语中的位置将每个单词分配到一个新列:

test <- data.frame(
  Speaker = c("PS1G3","PS1G2","PS1G3","PS1G2"),
  N_words = c(2,3,4,1),
  Turn = c("can you","what 's the","are you going up","what"),
  c5 = c("VM0 PNP","DTQ VBZ AT0","VBB PNP VVG AVP","DTQ"))


  Speaker N_words             Turn              c5   w1   w2    w3   w4
1   PS1G3       2          can you         VM0 PNP  can  you  <NA> <NA>
2   PS1G2       3      what 's the     DTQ VBZ AT0 what   's   the <NA>
3   PS1G3       4 are you going up VBB PNP VVG AVP  are  you going   up
4   PS1G2       1             what             DTQ what <NA>  <NA> <NA>

我知道如何将 Turn 拆分成单独的单词,但卡在那里:

lapply(test$Turn, function(x) unlist(strsplit(x, "\\s")))


我们可以使用 base R 中的 read.table

cbind(test, read.table(text = test$Turn, 
       header = FALSE, fill = TRUE, quote = "",  na.strings = ""))


#  Speaker N_words             Turn              c5   V1   V2    V3   V4
#1   PS1G3       2          can you         VM0 PNP  can  you  <NA> <NA>
#2   PS1G2       3      what 's the     DTQ VBZ AT0 what   's   the <NA>
#3   PS1G3       4 are you going up VBB PNP VVG AVP  are  you going   up
#4   PS1G2       1             what             DTQ what <NA>  <NA> <NA>



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