scala - 修复更高种类类型的类型推断


trait Sys[S <: Sys[S]]

trait Elem[S <: Sys[S]]

trait AttrElem[S <: Sys[S]] {
  type E <: Elem[S]

  def attributes: Any
  def element: E


object Factory {
  def apply[S <: Sys[S], E1 <: Elem[S]](
    elem: E1): AttrElem[S] { type E = E1 } = new Impl(elem)

  private class Impl[S <: Sys[S], E1 <: Elem[S]](val element: E1) 
    extends AttrElem[S] { 

    type E = E1

    def attributes = 1234

现在在实践中 f*** Scala 类型推断崩溃了:

def test[S <: Sys[S]](elem: Elem[S]): Unit = {

<console>:62: error: inferred type arguments [Nothing,Elem[S]] do not conform
  to method apply's type parameter bounds [S <: Sys[S],E1 <: Elem[S]]


object Factory {
  def apply[S <: Sys[S], E1[~] <: Elem[~] forSome { type ~ <: Sys[~] }](
    elem: E1[S]): AttrElem[S] { type E = E1[S] } = new Impl(elem)

  private class Impl[S <: Sys[S], E1[~] <: Elem[~] forSome { type ~ <: Sys[~] }](
    val element: E1[S]) extends AttrElem[S] { 

    type E = E1[S]

    def attributes = 1234


<console>:62: error: inferred kinds of the type arguments (S,E1[S]) do not 
  conform to the expected kinds of the type parameters (type S,type E1) in
  class Impl.
E1[S]'s type parameters do not match type E1's expected parameters:
type E1 has one type parameter, but type E1 (in class Impl) has one
               elem: E1[S]): AttrElem[S] { type E = E1[S] } = new Impl(elem)

“类型 E1 有一个类型参数,但类型 E1 有一个”——嗯?




def apply[S <: Sys[S], E1 <: Elem[S]](elem: E1 with Elem[S]): 
  AttrElem[S] { type E = E1 } = ...

也就是加入with Elem[S] .不推断 S 似乎是 Scala 编译器不必要的缺陷来自 E1 <: Elem[S]其中 ElemS 中不变.



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